Monday, September 7, 2009


With abundant mothering and TLC, Lyndy has been growing tomato, bell pepper and eggplant starts for our upcoming 30 x 100 foot green house.

There are 6 varieties of tomatoes, over 100 plants, 2 kinds of peppers and 2 types of eggplants.


The pepper plants grow thick and heavy with fruit due to
the cooler nights and humid days.

More than 15 rows of corn getting higher--dancing in the rain.

Facing the west, here is an overview of the 40-plus crop rows
including corn, pumpkins, 4 kinds of squash, 4 kinds of melons,
cucumbers, onions, radishes, beets, 6 kinds of lettuce, carrots,
ornamental gourds, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, flowers and
herbs. We can't wait to SHARE with our Farm Members!

Ripening watermelons get bigger every day!

Delicious, sweet and juicy! YUMMY!